Thursday, January 22, 2009

Meal Plan....Check!

Ok, for those of you that know me, you're well aware that I am the most ridiculous planner in the world. I love it, my day planner is one of my favorite things in the world and Excel is fantastic for planning out meals and workouts! Of course, they change over time, but I really like to get a snap shot each week for my meal plans and each season or so for my training plans to have a plan of action. It really helps me stay on track and hold myself accountable (not that my trainer doesn't do that already!) So I just finished my Meal Plan for next week. I'm still trying to figure out my egg to egg white ratio, I have to get as much protein in as possible in the next 3 weeks to get back on track with my macros so I'll see what it adds up to and maybe adjust. I give you, my creation! Feel free to make any suggestions! (And yes, there is no starch or sugar allowed in these next three weeks, hence all the protein and veggies)

1 comment:

Alison said...

I'm obsessed with Excel as well - I use it pretty much constantly at work and have become a pro at making reports and such (much like your meal plans) from scratch.

I wish I could read what your plans say though! They're so tiny :)