Friday, January 30, 2009

I've Been Tagged!!

Step 1: respond and rework—answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.

Step 2: tag—eight other un-tagged people.

What are you wearing right now? Black/pink foldover waistband yoga pants, black yoga top, pink and white Nike shox (I just got back from BodyPump.

What's the last thing I read/ are currently reading? "The Daily Fix"by Alexa Fishback, MS, RD, "The Hour I First Believed" by Wally Lamb, Self, and Oxygen Magazine, and of course school books (booooo)

Do you nap a lot? I LOVE taking naps and do so whenever I can (usually only happens on the weekends)

Who was the last person you hugged? Jeff, my boyfriend and my dog Vincent (he gets hugs a lot)

What's your current obsession/addiction? Extra Sugar-Free Spearmint gum, Victoria's secret foldover yoga pants, Real Housewives of Orange County, Fuji Apples

What was the last thing you said out loud? "What do you want to do tonight?" to Jeff trying to figure out where we're going tonight since 1/2 the city is still without power =( So much for a nice romantic dinner at Ella's like we had planned!

What websites do you always visit when you go online? Blog, Facebook, Google Reader, my gym's website to sign up for classes, online bank accounts, school accounts

What was the last item you bought? Brown and black tights from Mason's to go under a couple Lacoste dresses I bought online.

What is your most challenging goal? Getting EVERYTHING done on my schedule, I definitely have a full plate with work, school, working out, Junior League, Date Nights, Bible Study, etc.

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished- anywhere in the world, where would it be? Dallas, TX, it's such a fun city and it's not too far away

Favorite Vacation spot? Well, used to be Destin, FL, but after going to Italy this summer with Jeff, I think I'll have a new favorite!

Say something to the person who tagged you: You're so fun, I love your blog, thanks for tagging me!

Name one thing you just can't resist no matter how bad it is for you: Cheese Pizza from Guido's or Tim's

What is your favorite item of clothing? Dresses, I can't get enough of them!

Favorite pair of shoes you keep going back to over and over, even though your closet is over flowing with a zillion others?! My guess by merciano pumps, they're so hawt and I get a ton of compliments every time I wear them!

Name one thing you can not live with out: Sugar-Free Gum (seriously I chew like 20 "slices" a day!)

Has a celebrity's haircut ever influence you on your own hairstyle? Pretty much every single Victoria's Secret Model


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