Thursday, May 14, 2009

Not Feeling So Hawt

I think I may have swine flu and/or a stomach virus. I've been feeling run down since Tuesday and yesterday I couldn't keep ANYTHING down! It was a good thing I was working from home, I didn't get too much done though. I hate being sick =( I would rather be sick this week then next though since it's Memorial Day weekend.

The weather is still crappy, it's been raining for like a month and 1/2 here. Tomorrow is supposed to be nice (maybe) then it's going to dump on us again on Saturday. Lovely, considering we re-scheduled our Junior League Touch-A-Truck fundraiser (because of the rain) for this Saturday. I don't know WHAT we're going to do if it's another downpour.
Speaking of Junior League, we had our Annual Dinner on Tuesday night and it was really nice! All the new members graduated into active members and I was so proud of them! I was actually the photographer in charge of taking a few pictures so that we can announce them in our newspaper. Aren't they lovely ladies?! =)
I'm seriously debating going home, it's almost noon. And tomorrow is a 1/2 day for me anyway so maybe if I rest up I'll be better before the weekend? I'm going to try to stick it out though, I'm too lazy to drive all the way back home right now!

We had to reschedule Girl's Night AGAIN this week. Instead Jeff and I had Date Night last night and watched "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" while I complained about my stomach hurting the whole time. The movie was really good but verrrrry long. It's a good story though, well worth it.

I finished Bethanny Frankel's "Naturally Thin" book last week. I loved it, some of the rules were common sense rules that we should all think about on a daily basis but don't. I'm actually typing up the rules and some of the advice and recipes right now so I can refer to them really quickly. I'm going to put her list of rules on my fridge! Anyway, I highly recommend the book, I think everyone can get at least a few things from it.
How fantastic was the first part of the Real Housewives of NYC reunion show?! I can't wait for tonight. Ramona is absolutely out of her mind and should increase the dosage on whatever meds she's taking. And Kelly continues to make absolutely no sense every time she opens her mouth..."The grass isn't always greener no matter how much fertilizer you have"....hmmm.
Tonight is sure to be one big catfight, I just hope the right people get put in their place and no one gets beaten up!

Oh and PS - I got so bored with the new Real House (mafia) wives of New Jersey I turned it off after 15 minutes. Boooo...


Anonymous said...

I am so looking forward to watching the wives tonight. Craziness! And I agree, not totally loving the NJ ladies.

Hailey HRH said...

OMG OMG i LOVE naturally thin - great book and im soo glad i read it. no more dieting and eating whatever you want!

and the reunion show was fantastic. i couldnt agree more with everything you said! i love bethenny - she always responds so perfectly - and kelly is of course a nut case in her own little world.

feel better!

Nikki Sanchez said...

I just found your blog and it's sooo cute! I am in love with the background :)

Kelly said...

Thanks for the book recommendation. I have been looking at it in the bookstore since it came out but I am going to see if I can take it out of the library :)

In This Wonderful Life said...

I just watched the renunion today!! I only saw the 2nd one..haven't seen the first.. Kelly really is OFF her rocker!!