Thursday, March 12, 2009

Things That Make You Go...UGH...

This weather...UGH. I thought after being in the 70's and 80's last week AND the beginning of this week we would be done with this stuff! It was freezing raining when I left my house at 7am but it's dry up here at work (I work 30 minutes away from my house). But it looks like it's getting pretty nasty at home so I'll probably leave early today. People drive CRAZY when it does anything winter weather related. I just hope I don't have to ice skate home...

Well, I survived my crazy Tuesday, I ended up slipping out of my Junior League meeting early, booking it back down to Fayetteville and showing up decently on time to the pre-opening of our friend's restaurant. It was packed! We had a lot of fun, it officially opens tonight to the public so I'm sure we'll be there a LOT in the next few weeks.

I had fun holding our friend's baby, Molly, isn't she cute?!

This is Jeff's "Please take the baby back" face, hehe. He isn't comfortable holding children until they can talk, it's pretty funny. He's like "I just don't know what to do with them, they just lay there and poop!" Boys....

I had a nice day working from home yesterday, it was definitely important to recharge after the first 2 hectic days of the week that I had. I got a lot of homework and house cleaning done too. Then it was Date Night and I made an AWESOME (**pat on back**) pork loin with roasted garlic mashed potatoes and green beans. Mmmm, it was so good, I'm regretting giving Jeff the leftovers for lunch today, I wish I had them! We also drank some of the red wine that our friends brought us at the party last month. It was called Garancha en Fuego (or something like that), it was an old vine zin...pretty good!

Well, the evite's have been sent out for the triple birthday party we're throwing for our girlfriends! We ended up reserving the Wine Bar so it should be really pretty and classy for them. We've still got to order the cake but it's pretty much all done. It's so nice when you have parties at other places than your house, so easy!


Jenny said...

My lord tell me about it...This weather is crazy huh??? I was enjoying the one or two days of spring weather we had here in Bama.

LWLH said...

The weather hopefully will stay nice in my area, I cant deal with anymore cold.
I have something for you over at my blog.

Melissa said...

The weather is ridiculous! I'm so ready for Spring! I left you an award on my blog!!

Andhari said...

The baby is totally cute!

Everyday Adventures said...

Hi there...I tagged you with the cute blog award!! Love reading about all your adventures...check out my blog for details!!