Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I Caught the Crud =(

I think I'm catching up with 1/2 the nation and getting sick =( My throat started hurting yesterday afternoon and I thought maybe it was just from the dust when I got my nails done (it tends to leave my throat a little sore), but after I got home it just got worse and worse. I drank a lot of hot water with lemon juice and it helped a little. But when I woke up this morning my throat was soooo swollen! I had to call the internet company to have them tell me how to reset my router and modem and the lady could hardly understand me. I sounded like I was being choked! Thank goodness I worked from home today, I definitely took advantage and took it easy this morning.
It's such a pretty day I hate wasting it being sick. I'm starting to feel better though so I think I'll stick with my short 3 mile run this afternoon, with my Garmin! I took a nap a lunch time and after I woke up I started laundry, started the dishwasher, and cleaned the house. So now that I'm feeling more productive maybe that will start making me feel better.
Tonight is date night with Jeff! That reminds me, I need to get to the grocery store this afternoon. I think I'm going to make something simple like chicken and rice and some vegetables. I don't feel like going all out and trying to make a gourmet meal at the moment. Plus I figure, less steps for cooking, less chances of me getting germs on the food and HIM getting sick, that wouldn't be cool.
I'm so glad the week is 1/2 way over! I have a hair appointment tomorrow so I'm excited about that. I'm good friends with my stylist so we always have fun in there. I don't really need much done on my color but I haven't cut my hair in about 3 months since I'm trying to grow it out so I'll probably have her do a "slight" trim. She's really good about knowing exactly what I like so I always trust her to make it perfect! =)
Well, I'm going to finish up my chores, go grocery shopping, running, cook dinner, then relaaaax, have a great day!


Jenny said...

Fell better soon!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better. Remember to take a well- deserved break. Your body will thank you.

Shasta said...

I have the crud too! I think we push our selves a bit too hard. I also did my *light* 3 mile, when I should have given my immune system a break. Oh well, feel better soon sweet girl!

Polka Dots & Protein Bars said...

Feel better! Take it easy and let Jeff spoil you ;-)