Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Where Did Tuesday Go?!

Is Tuesday really already gone?! Wow, this 4 day week is flying by! Not that I'm complaining...but actually I kind of am because this week is way to busy to be a short one. Oh well, I'll get through it right?!

I just got done with a quick 30 minute run/stadium stair climb...why you ask? Because I couldn't drag my bootay out of bed this morning for BodyAttack after the 3 day lazy weekend! So after my hair appointment I hit the pavement..
Oh, and I'm missing the first Junior League general meeting of the year because I accidentally scheduled my hair appointment for the same night! =( Oops. I have my committee meeting this Thursday so I'll still be getting some Junior Leagueing out of my system this week!

I'm so excited for tomorrow night, I set up a Girl's Night Out Birthday Dinner at Bordino's for my friend Hillary! 10 of us...so fun! I haven't been to Bordino's in a while so I'll have to think about what I want to get tomorrow and make sure it's gurrrd!

Well, I thought I would say hi since I've been slacking on the blogging lately. I think it's just taken a little while to get used to my new job and more business but now I'm more in the swing of things. Thank you all for all of your sweet comments! You always give me motivation and extra energy when I see them come across my crackberry!
Now I'm on to Accounting homework...tah tah! =)


LWLH said...

Well hello, :)
I hear so much about junior league, do they have them all over the place?

Annie said...

sounds like you have a very busy week girly! have a good one! :)

p.s. new follower! super cute blog!!