I love getting things in the mail! My new zoom lens for my camera came in yesterday and it is AWESOME!! The difference in zoom range is outstanding, I can't wait to take it on my vacation. I'm very very glad I ordered it and I got such a great deal on amazon.com.
Guess what comes in today??? P90X!!! Woo hoo! I can't wait to start this program, I'm so excited. I took last week very easy because I was starting to get burnt out on workouts. I have to do that a couple times a year or I'll start slacking. But now I'm re-charged and ready to roll with this new program! Since I'm starting on a Tuesday, I'm either going to double up tonight or tomorrow. I have a hair appointment tonight, so depending on how late I get home or how tired I am, I may just knock it out tonight. Otherwise, I work from home tomorrow so I'll have plenty of time to do it then too.
Real Housewives of NYC is on tonight! I'm sure they will not let us down on the drama factor =) Kelly's blog says "Stay glued, you'll love next week"...weirdo. I'm sure the "Kellamity" will be at it again. Oh, and another funny thing I read in Bethenny's blog last week, apparently all of Kelly's "celebrity/high status" friends have all ditched her after seeing how she acts on camera. Wahhhhh...Kelly better call the waaaahhhmbulance!
Well, I got my test score back YESTERDAY. I got a 76 =( 2 more questions right and I would have had a B. I'm upset about it but I'm getting good grades on homework, quizzes, etc. that is slowly but surely keeping me in the B range. I have 2 more tests and a big project that will factor in as well. Our professor told us last night that this class is one of the toughest classes in the entire MBA program, so I guess the fact that I am hanging in there is a good thing. And I'm glad I am getting it over with NOW!
It has been soooo cold here! It was 57 degrees when we left the lake Sunday morning and in the 30's when we got home and WIIIIINDY! I'm wearing a wool sweater in April....really? Tomorrow is supposed to be nice though.
Not too much going on this week except Date Night with Jeff tomorrow. Then I'm off to my parent's house in Fort Smith for Easter weekend! My cousin's little boy is having a birthday party Saturday, then we're all going to play golf. Then Sunday, we'll go to church and have an AWESOME brunch at the country club. I saw the menu for that day and I'm pumped!
I just started P90X on Sunday - and girl I am SORE! But, that is also because since my running injury last June I haven't done anything. Anyways, like I said before, you'll love the program - it's intense.
Don't stress about your statistics grade - no one likes statistics anyways :) Besides, in grad school, grades really don't matter!
Where did you buy P90X? I have been looking everywhere!
It's awesome! I did the first one last night and I'm already sore this morning.
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