1. ITALY!!!!!!! Less than 7 weeks to go! =)
2. Getting my MBA (December 2010!)
3. Getting married
3. Having children
4. Developing my career
5. Spending time with friends
6. Weekends
7. Naps
8. Birthdays
8 Things I did yesterday:
1. Worked from home
2. A massive amount of homework
3. Worked out...P90X!
4. Cooked dinner for Jeff
5. Took kitty to the vet
6. Read a book
7. Laid out in the sun and 80 degree weather at lunch time...ahhhhh
8. Went grocery shopping
8 things I wish I could do:
1. Fix our economy
2. Spend money without worry
3. Not worry as much in general
4. Get A's in all my classes! (I'm on my way!)
5. Invent something really awesome that makes me a bajillionaire
6. Adopt all the doggies and kitties that are homeless =(
7. Eat anything I want and not gain weight
8. Be positive ALL the time
8 shows I watch:
1. Real Housewives of NYC & Orange County
2. The Hills
3. Oprah
4. Grey's Anatomy
5. Desperate Housewives
6. Entourage
7. Family Guy
8. Friends
I would love to eat and not gain any weight and spend without a worry! :)
I think it's safe to say you can eat what you want and not gain weight! :o) I can't believe how dedicated you are to your workouts...esp. at 5:30 a.m.! How do you do it? Your workouts inspire me...but not that early in the morning! I did zumba tonight and barely made it through the hour!
I agree with the not worrying and the eating anything you want and not gaining weight...going to use those myself : )
I need to find out more about P90X... how are you liking it?
And I so want to give homes to all of the pups and kitties without them :-(
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