I was sweetly informed this weekend that I am officially in my "late twenties" after this birthday. I don't agree. Late twenties sounds like 28ish...NOT 26! However I do feel old now that I'm on the back 1/2 of the 20's. =(
I haven't got to wear my new birthday sunglasses yet because of THIS!
It's been super overcast yesterday and has been raining pretty hard today. We need the rain, I just hope it doesn't make an even bigger mess of all these tree limb piles from the ice storm.I actually haven't been feeling so hot today and yesterday, my tummy hasn't felt good. It's probably from the piece of chocolate cake I ate Saturday night. Sometimes my body rejects unhealthy food when I've been eating healthy for a really long time. It's bittersweet!
I went to BodyPump this morning and it was the new release....holy difficult! There were some crazy variations on all of the tracks that we had never done before. I really liked it but I wish the music would have been a little better. They kind of re-mixed some tracks from other Les Mills classes. But all in all, I liked it.
I have another big week ahead! I have to edit my two papers due tonight (they're pretty much done, just want to give them one more look), lot's of meetings today, and class tonight.
Then tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY and one of the executives from corporate is visiting our office and I've been chosen to present some stuff from our team to him. I'm nervous and currently trying to figure out what to wear! Then tomorrow night Jeff is taking me to Savor for my 2nd birthday dinner. (I promise to take pictures again)
Wednesday, I've been chosen to represent our team and attend a big Wal-mart conference all day long. Also trying to figure out what to wear to this! I have some ideas.
Thursday, more big meetings (mostly in the morning), then we're having a Girl's Night and going to see "He's Just Not That Into You"!! Some girls at the gym told me it was really good this morning.
Friday, I'm either working a 1/2 day or not at all because we're leaving to go to the Horse Races in Hot Springs!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited! It will be an extension of my birthday celebration and we've got TEN couples going now! So fun!
Should I get a hat and fancy dress like the Real Housewives of Orange County did?! HA!
Or Jessica & Heidi? Pink hats and horsies must be IN!Actually, I think I'm going to wear my red Lacoste dress with tall brown boots since it will be Valentine's Day!
I have GOT to go to Wal-Mart today and get some new headphones. Does anybody else HATE ipod earbuds or is it just me? They HURT my ears so bad because they're so big and my ears end up being red by the end of my run. They fell out of my ears so many times yesterday that I literally threw them into the creek when I ran across the bridge on the way home. Yeah, that's how annoyed I was. So off to Wal-Mart to get some that don't hurt! Hasta!
From one Southerng irl to another--I love reading your blog :)
I've been DYING to try Body Pump, but unfortunately I have a free gym in my office building, and am not a member of the gym where the class is offered :( Ugh! I hear it's SUCH a great workout.
You have to get a big hat! hehe. BTW, a little off topic, I spent a summer in the Fort Smith Area (More near Lake Tenkiller in Oklahoma but I spent a lot of time in Fort Smith). I'm not sure where you are from, but if that's near you, it's so gorgeous there! I loved it. I just wasn't a fan of the tornadoes. :-(
Hi! I tagged you on my blog!
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