Monday, November 24, 2008

I Need A Nap!

Wow, what a day. It's 3:00 and I seriously have not moved from my desk since 7:00 this morning except to use the bathroom (which you all know I can do in lightening speed!) No lunch, no nothin', just work work work. So I'm taking a break up update the ole blog since I don't have the choice to lay down and take a big ole nap!

I received a call from the Director of Corporate and Pulic Relations at John Brown University today and he thinks I'm good to go to get into the MBA program so cross your fingers and say a prayer! It should be next week or so before I get the official thumbs up so I'm not getting too excited yet! But it is good to hear from him and know that the application is moving along.

I pretty much did absolutely nothing this weekend. I watched a lot of tv, took some naps, ate some food...yep that's about it. Sometimes you just need a weekend to relax, this is the first one I have spent not studying in a while so it was pretty nice.

I'm excited Thanksgiving is almost here (besides the busy factor at work), I'm going home Wednesday night and not coming back to Fayetteville till Sunday. Hopefully the kitty cat will be okay by herself for that long. Jeff assures me that cats are easy like that and as long as they have food, water, and a poop box, they're good to go? We'll see about that...

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